At Right 4 You, we cultivate self-awareness and mindfulness, empowering you to achieve mastery on your own terms.

True performance starts with self-understanding!

Self-understanding + Self-mastery = SOP



Right 4 You don't just train athletes | We forge champions.

Our personalised peak Mental State training is the catalyst that transforms good teams into great ones.

We empower aspiring club sport leaders to sharpen their self-awareness, master self-responsibility, and achieve their Best Performance Mode (BPM) both on and off the field.

By elevating each individual's game, we transform your entire team into a powerhouse of self awareness, high-performing champions

How I Can Help

Unleash Your Teams Full Potential

Triple A Package

Is your team struggling with:

  • Inconsistent performance

  • Lack of team cohesion and trust

  • Over-reliance on key players

Imagine a team where every player

  • Performs at their peak, game after game

  • Bounces back quickly from setbacks

  • Contributes meaningfully to the team's success

Unlock Your Athlete's Mental Clarity

1:1 Coaching

Common Challenges that hold athletes back

  • Performance anxiety and pressure

  • Lack of focus or motivation

  • Difficulty balancing person and athletic life

  • Inconsistent results despite evident physical skills

What if your athlete

  • Performed at their peak, even in high-stakes situations

  • made split-second decisions with confidence

  • Bounced back swiftly from setbacks

  • Contribute consistently to the team's success

Unlike cookie-cutter programs, we cultivate self-reliant athletes who understand their unique mental makeup, discover sustainable routes to personalised success, and contribute to unshakeable team trust, consistency and resilience.

Meet Your Performance Trainer

Margaret Gray is driven by a personal mission to open men up to self-awareness. Through personal tragedy and trauma, Margaret has developed a simple yet effective framework that is easily and practically applied to life within and beyond the sports club.

At the core of Margaret's methodology is the development of self-awareness in athletes. She firmly believes that when sports people truly understand themselves, their performance improves both in competition and in life. Her approach challenges athletes to embrace discomfort as a pathway to growth and resilience.

One of Margaret's key strengths lies in her ability to guide athletes through confronting and managing challenging emotions and thoughts. Rather than promotion avoidance, she encourages athletes to acknowledges and work through difficulties, fostering a mindset that transforms discomfort into opportunity for improvement.

Margaret emphasizes the importance of autonomous decision-marking in athletes. By creating a supportive environment, she enables sportspeople to reflect on their progress and overcome obstacles, thereby boosting their confidences and sense of control.

Her expertise extends to identifying subtle connections between an athlete's learned experiences, physical responses and subconscious patterns. This insight helps develop emotional intelligence in sportspeople, a crucial skill for managing the pressures of high-level athletics.

The results are not only enhanced athletic performance but also the development of more resilient, well-rounded individuals who contribute positively to your team's long-term success.

Margaret Gray

What people say about MARGARET

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What is Personalised Peak Performance Training?

It's a specialized training program designed to build unshakeable team trust, consistency, and resilience in sports teams. It focuses on sharpening self-awareness, mastering self-responsibility, and achieving Best Performance Mode (BPM) for athletes.

What is the Triple A Package?

Awareness – Accountability – Action - The Triple A Package is a program designed for high-achieving sports teams looking to build trust, consistency, and resilience. It addresses issues like lack of team cohesion, inconsistent performance, and over-reliance on key players.

What does the 1:1 Coaching offer?

1:1 Personal Coaching sessions are tailored to transform underperforming athletes into consistent, high-achieving team members. It addresses challenges such as performance anxiety, lack of focus, and difficulty balancing personal and athletic life.

Who is Margaret Gray?

Margaret Gray is a performance trainer with a personal mission to open men up to self-awareness. She has developed a framework that can be applied to life within and beyond sports clubs, based on her experiences with personal tragedy and trauma

What is the core of Margaret's methodology?

The core of Margaret's methodology is the development of self-awareness in athletes. She believes that when people truly understand themselves, their performance improves both in competition and in life.

How does this training differ from other programs? 

Unlike cookie-cutter programs, this training cultivates self-reliant athletes who understand their unique mental makeup and discover sustainable routes to personalized success. 

What are the potential outcomes of this training? 

Potential outcomes include improved peak performance, quick recovery from setbacks, better decision-making under pressure, and more consistent contributions to team success. 

How does this training approach difficult emotions and thoughts? 

Rather than promoting avoidance, the training encourages athletes to acknowledge and work through difficulties, fostering a mindset that transforms discomfort into opportunities for improvement. 

Does this training extend beyond athletic performance? 

Yes, the training aims to develop more resilient, well-rounded individuals who contribute positively to the team's long-term success, both on and off the field. 

How does this training promote autonomous decision-making? 

The training creates a supportive environment that enables athletes to reflect on their progress and overcome obstacles, boosting their confidence and sense of control. 

"Peak Performance without compromising well being"

  • Location: 212 Karingal Drive, Frankston Vic 3199

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