Nervous system awareness and anxiety

The Competitive Edge: How Athletes Can Harness Nervous System Awareness

August 29, 20242 min read

As an athlete, having high self-awareness of your physiological and mental state is a powerful tool that can elevate your performance. Understanding the three states of the nervous system - sympathetic (fight-or-flight), parasympathetic (rest-and-digest), and freeze - allows you to optimize each state at the right time for maximum competitive advantage.

 The Sympathetic State and Pre-Game Activation

We've all felt those familiar feelings before a big competition - the pounding heart, flushed skin, tensed muscles, and surge of adrenaline. This is the sympathetic nervous system's fight-or-flight response kicking in to mobilize the body for intense physical exertion. While this state can provide energy and focus before an event, it's important for athletes to learn how to skillfully activate and channel this arousal for peak performance without becoming overly anxious or burned out.

 The Parasympathetic State for Recovery

On the flip side, the parasympathetic nervous system is associated with relaxation, rejuvenation and restoration. This is the state you want to prioritize during periods of active recovery between training sessions and competitions. Being able to consciously shift into a parasympathetic state through practices like deep breathing, meditation, gentle yoga or self-massage allows the body to optimally rest, digest nutrients, and repair muscles and tissues for future high performance.

 Avoiding the Freeze State

While less discussed, the freeze state of nervous system immobilization can severely impair an athlete's abilities during competition. This trauma response of disconnecting or shutting down under extreme physical/psychological pressure can happen when an athlete feels overwhelmed or experiences a significant injury. Learning to recognize the signs of freeze and developing resilience practices to stay grounded under duress is key.

 For athletes, cultivating heightened self-awareness around which nervous system state you're operating from is a game changer. Being able to seamlessly transition between activating your sympathetic charge before an event, maintaining presence during performance, and then allowing your body to fully recover in the parasympathetic state gives you a powerful competitive advantage.

Some practices for athletes to develop this self-awareness include:

  • Body scanning before/after training to tune into physiological signals

  • Keeping a training journal to reflect on stressors, emotional experiences, and state shifts 

  • Utilizing somatic exercises for regulating energy/intensity

  • becoming aware of emotions and build resilience

The ability to consciously navigate your nervous system states allows you to maximize your natural intensity when you need it most, while avoiding burnout, anxiety, and shutdown. By embodying this self-awareness, you become the master of your competitive energy reservoir for ultimate sport performance.

Are you Ready to Take the first step and call 0493 113 553 | email: [email protected] |

right 4 you by margaret gray

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Margaret Gray

Margaret is driven by a personal mission to open men up to self-awareness. Through personal tragedy and trauma, Margaret has developed a simple yet effective framework that is easily and practically applied to life within and beyond the sports club. One of Margaret's key strengths lies in her ability to guide you through confronting and managing challenging emotions and thoughts. Rather than promotion avoidance, she encourages you to acknowledge and work through difficulties, fostering a mindset that transforms discomfort into opportunity for improvement.

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