Find your calm within the storm

Finding Your Calm Within the Storm: Harnessing Nervous System Intelligence at Work

August 29, 20242 min read

In high-stakes, high-pressure jobs like real estate, sales, or any client-facing role, having keen self-awareness and an understanding of your nervous system states can be a game-changer for your productivity and well-being.

We all know those feelings - the pounding heart, flushed skin, and adrenaline rush before a big client meeting or closing an important deal. This is the sympathetic nervous system's "fight-or-flight" response kicking into high gear to mobilize your body for an intense situation. While this state of heightened energy and focus can serve you well in the moment, constantly operating from sympathetic overdrive can lead to issues like burnout, anxiety, irritability, and impaired cognitive function over time.

On the flipside, the parasympathetic "rest-and-digest" state is associated with relaxation, rejuvenation, and restoration. This is the state you want to prioritize during periods of active recovery - whether that's evenings after work, weekends, or structured time off. Being able to consciously activate your body's natural parasympathetic cooling system through practices like deep breathing, gentle movement, or meditation allows you to recharge, process experiences, and avoid the crashes that often follow periods of high intensity. 

Then there's the oft-overlooked freeze state, where the body and mind essentially shut down or disconnect in response to severe stress or perceived threats. While less common than sympathetic overdrive, this trauma response of feeling stuck, numb, or paralyzed can severely impair performance. For client-facing professionals, regaining the ability to remain grounded and present even under immense pressure is critical.

Developing higher self-awareness around which nervous system state you're operating from is a game-changing skill for long-term success and well-being in high-stakes roles. When you can recognize the signs that you've shifted into an overly charged sympathetic state or an immobilized freeze response, you can take deliberate steps to self-regulate and pivot toward a more balanced, optimal state of awareness and energy.

Some practices for cultivating this nervous system intelligence include:

  • Body scanning and breath awareness exercises to tune into physiological signals

  • Reflective journaling on high-stress situations, emotional experiences, and energy cycles

  • Mindfulness and meditation to build distress tolerance and presence

  • Working with a coach or therapist to process emotions and develop resilience 

In roles where so much depends on your ability to show up as your best self, understanding how to consciously shift your nervous system states is a superpower. It allows you to summon intensity when you need it, while avoiding the pitfalls of chronic stress. With this self-awareness, you become the master of your energy reservoir for peak performance.

Are you Ready to Take the first step and call 0493 113 553 | email: [email protected] |

feelingsnerousnessstrengthcalm high pressure freeze state numb impaired
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